Inder Kochar

Network Engineer & Web Designer

With a rich legacy spanning over 35 years in the hospitality and event industry, Manjit’s proudly joins forces with Manjot to bring the culinary expertise of our professional chefs right to the heart of your home.

Introducing Manjot’s Heat & Eat meals, a concept born during the initial wave of the Covid lockdown. This endeavor stems from our unwavering commitment to offer delectable, top-notch, and nutritious meals. We’ve seamlessly integrated the signature style of Manjit’s restaurant, utilizing locally sourced, fresh ingredients, and harnessing the culinary skills of our talented chefs.

Unlike typical frozen meals, Manjot’s Heat & Eat guarantees a 100% healthy dining experience with absolutely NO processed ingredients. For detailed information about the wholesome ingredients used, please refer to the ingredients section on the packaging.

At Manjot’s Heat & Eat, we take pride in delivering meals that are not only delicious but also prepared fresh to order. Each dish is meticulously crafted, sealed, and packed, ready to be conveniently picked up at your nearest fuel station or grocery store. Discover the joy of savoring restaurant-quality meals in the comfort of your own home.

Be sure to explore our expanding network of locations, with new additions regularly cropping up. Find your nearest shop and stay tuned for updates as we continue to grow and serve you better. Your culinary delight is just a few clicks away!